
QUESTION 1 How, and when, were the Wolves established?
ANSWER In January of 2015 King's Variety folded so, during the last few days of January, John Condos decided to form a new team and started recruiting players. Those from King's Variety that were interested in playing again, and those from the Renegades that John had recruited for 2014 were added to the roster. One player came from Zomer Electric, and the remainder of the players were from other leagues, or were rookies.

By the end of March 2016 there were more players interested in playing for the Wolves in the Tuesday Night Slo-Pitch League than there was room for on the roster. John Condos decided to form another team to play in the Ingersoll Monday Night Slo-Pitch League and started recruiting more players. Within 10 days, 18 players had been added to the roster, including a sponsor.

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