
League Meeting
A league meeting has been scheduled for 7 pm on Tuesday, October 15 at the Pipe Band Hall, to go over this past season.

Team Contact List
Please have your team complete the Contact List and return it to John Condos, Statistician.

Scores and Game Sheets
Each time you play, please email the score to John Condos, Statistician, so the schedule and standings can be updated on a daily basis. Game sheets are to be placed in the boxes found in the equipment sheds.

The home team is responsible for calling Jody Sutherland (425-1558), at least 30 minutes prior to game time, for rainouts

Rosters must be completed on the Slo-Pitch Ontario website by 2013 06 28. Contact the Ingersoll Tuesday Night League Secretary for assistance.

League Fees
The entry fee for the 2013 season is $1300 per team. Each team must pay $700 by April 26, 2013 and the remainder by May 31, 2013. This entry fee includes 12 yellow balls and a score book.

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