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Home Run Derby
Brandon Dorland (MC & Sons) won the Home Run Derby, with Todd Boll (Wolves) and Alex Hutcheson (Delta Machine) tied for second.

After each game BOTH teams need to email me the score so the Schedule and Standings can be updated by the next morning.

Please include ALL of the following on the scoresheet.
- Players (first and last name/initial, and no nicknames)
- Jersey numbers
- Teams (Home and Visitor)
- Date
- Diamond
- Umpire
- Score

As the Statistician, I am working towards a paperless recordkeeping system where, eventually, the boxes for the scoresheets in the equipment sheds can be eliminated.

Many of the home teams scan, or take photos, of both scoresheets and then email them to me. I would appreciate it if the rest of the teams would also do this but, if this is not possible, then please leave both scoresheets in the boxes in the equipment sheds and I will pick them up the next time I play at that park.

I also appreciate receiving both scoresheets from the visitors, which allows me to quickly reconcile any discrepancy in the scores submitted.

By emailing the scoresheets to me, teams are able to keep all of their scoresheets for future reference and I don't have to wait a week, or more, to pick them up.

Thanks, and have a great season!

John Condos, Statistician
Ingersoll Tuesday Night Slo-Pitch League

Parking for Games at Little Vic
In order to alleviate the parking congestion on Park Avenue for games at Little Vic, and to avoid complaints from residents about illegal parking, please consider using the main parking lot north of the park.

Park Avenue will also be under construction (for the first three weeks of June) and this construction will extend into the dugout area of the west benches, so eveyone will need to use the main parking lot north of the park.

Home Run Derby Rules
1.  Each team will select one player to hit and a pitcher.
2.  Each hitter will get 10 swings.
3.  Only balls that go over the fence, in fair territory, will count as home runs.
4.  Hitters have the option of not swinging at a pitch.
5.  A missed swing, foul ball or ball that hits the plate is counted as a swing.
6.  The top 3 scores will advance to the final round and receive 6 additional swings.
7.  In the case of a final round tie, tied hitters will receive 4 additional swings.
8.  Teams are asked to provide 10 good used balls, if possible, and volunteers to man the outfield and retrieve balls.
9.  Players are asked to be at Main Vic at 4:45 pm.

The Schedule for the regular season, has been posted to the Ingersoll Tuesday Night Slo-Pitch League website. King's Variety folded during the winter and has been replaced by a new team called the Wolves.

Little Vic will be used for both 7 pm and 8:30 pm games on Tuesdays. GE2 will be used on Thursdays for rescheduling rainouts.

Baseballs, Scorebooks, Schedules, Fees
Baseballs (18 per team), scorebooks , and paper copies of the schedule will be available for pickup on Saturday, May 2 at 10 am from Gail MacKay at the Pipe Band Hall. League fees can be paid at the same time.

There will be three divisions for playoffs, where teams play a round-robin. The top two teams in each division will then play each other for the championship.

Regular Season and Tournament
The regular season schedule begins on Tuesday, May 5. The Tournament will be on Saturday, June 6 with each team playing three games.

League Fees
The league fees ($1400) are the same as last season, with $700 due by April 30 and $700 due by May 30. Teams will receive 18 new balls.

League Meeting
A league meeting has been scheduled for 7 pm on Wednesday, March 4 at the Ingersoll District Memorial Centre (in the meeting room at the back of the arena). Items on the agenda are the schedule, playoff format, league fees, Tournament date and diamonds.

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