League Insurance All members of the Ingersoll Tuesday Night Slo-Pitch League need to become familiar with our Insurance with Slo-Pitch Ontario. Here is a link to the two page SPO Insurance Program Brochure outlining our coverage. In order to make a claim an SPO Incident Report needs to be completed and submitted within 24 hours, if possible, and not later than 30 days. Here are the Athletic Accident Claim Procedures. |
Name Changes MC & Sons will be The Sociables, Zomer Electric will be We Got the Runs, and Good Ole Boyz will be KDM Athletics. |
and Rules Revisions Up to 25 player contracts per team will be allowed. Both teams must submit their scoresheets. Balls supplied by the league must be used. Teams will receive 18 new balls. Tournament games will be 7 innings with no mercy rule. |
Season and Tournament The regular season begins on Tuesday, May 2 and the tournament will be on Saturday, June 3. |
Fees The league fees ($1400) are the same as last season, with $700 due by May 1 and $700 due by June 1. The late fee for each payment is $200. |
Meeting A league meeting has been scheduled for 7 pm on Monday, February 6 at the Victoria Park Community Centre. Items on the agenda are returning teams, fees, revisions to the Constitution and Rules, and changes to the Executive as the positions of Secretary and President need to be filled, |
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