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Turn off Highway 402 at exit #65 and drive south on Highway 81 for about 4 kms.
John Stewart Buchanan, an Irish settler from the port of Strathroy, Ireland founded Strathroy, Upper Canada* in 1836. The first business in this new hamlet was Buchanan's grist mill. Located on the Sydenham River, the mill ground grain and supplied local farmers with flour as they opened the land for the agriculture that would become and still is a major economic factor in the prosperity of southwestern Ontario.

Ensuring its growth, a general store opened in Strathroy in 1840. By 1860, Strathroy had become a village and by 1872, it was a town with the motto "We Advance". Strathroy has continued the industrious tradition as it has grown over the past one hundred and sixty+ years by expanding its commercial, industrial and agricultural activities. Today, it is the second largest community in Middlesex County and is well connected by the major transportation routes of:
1. the CNR (Canadian National Railway), running through Strathroy, connects Toronto and Chicago,
2. nearby Highway 402 runs from Sarnia to Highway 401 at London,
3. Highway 22 passes just north of Strathroy and also connects Sarnia to London,
4. Highway 81, running North - South through Strathroy, connects Highway 2 to Highway 22 and
5. the London Air Terminal is as close as a 40 minute drive.
This network makes access to Toronto (Ontario - 240 km), Windsor (Ontario - 160 km), the province of Quebec and Detroit (Michigan - ~160km) easy. Direct bus service between Strathroy and the Pearson International Airport in Toronto is also available with numerous daily-return trips.

Local citizens enjoy the prosperity, friendliness and quiet safety of this centrally located small town while having easy access to conveniences found in the larger, nearby cities. They also enjoy the extensive parks and boardwalked conservation areas:
1. Strathroy Conservaton Area - surrounds the lake on Head Street
2. Victoria Centennial Park - located off Victoria Street
3. Alexandra Park - just north of the town's central area
4. Strathroy Wetlands Marsh Walk - just north of the West Middlesex Memorial Arena
5. Yorkview Community Park

Notable moments:
1836 - Strathroy founded by John Buchanan
1840 - first general store
1860 - village status
1866 - The Age established (local newspaper)'s still going so pick up your Age Dispatch today
1872 - town status
1876 - first recorded mention of the Citizens Band (known as the 26th Highland Band when touring)
1878 - Sir John A. MacDonald paid a visit
1889 - first street lights; electric beat out gas...higher annual cost per lamp but far brighter so fewer required
1909 - the sale of alchoholic beverages was banned
1914 - Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital opened
1959 - liquor sales reinstated

* Upper Canada was created in 1791 then included in the newly formed province of Ontario in 1840.

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